Insights Insights Search Search Article, Insights, Insights What should employers keep in mind when posting a non-EU worker Article, Insights, Insights Can non-EU workers be posted legally within EU/EEA member states? Article, Insights, Insights Posting and Seconding: Learn the difference through a practical example. Article, Insights, Insights Posting or seconding non-EU temporary workers or Third Country Nationals (TCNs) within the European Union – What temporary staffing agency, employers and non-EU workers should know Insights Transnational or Intra EU posting of workers within the EU – what employers or companies in search of temporary workers from abroad should know News Do the Rules and Requirements for engaging in TAW´s activities in Portugal, apply to portuguese TWA´S when seconding or leasing workers to clients located outside their home country? Marcelo Araújo News Considerations to take when applying for the A1 or PDA1 Certificate and Labour Leasing as a Contract for work and services. News What are the risks and consequences for engaging in illegal worker leasing activities and how to avoid potential pitfalls? News What is a A1 or PDA1 Certificate? Obligations and requirements News How to verify the legitimacy of the A1 certificate? – Only issued if TWA´s are licensed News Comprehensive Guide to Regulations and Practices of TAW (Temporary Employment Agencies) News An overview of the legal framework when working with a temporary employment agency established in Portugal