Building Bridges for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

“Why are almost all your workers Non-European or (TCNs) Third Country Nationals?”
Is a question we are often asked by many clients and by potential partners.

The reason many of our workers are Non-European is strictly based on a business perspective.

Work Supply TT Lda has a very special, privileged and strong connection to Asian communities living in Portugal and all across Europe. We understand their goals, their principles, ambitions, way of living, thinking and the approach to life of these Asian communities like no
other temporary work agency. We make it our goal to – it is the KEY factor of our success!

Our Workers

Non-European Workers for Business Growth

All employment agencies in Portugal (and across Europe) are finding it increasingly difficult and challenging to recruit Portuguese and European citizens for any jobs in Portugal, and even more so, for vacancies abroad.

The supply of European manpower has decreased exponentially – there are simply not enough workers to fill the many roles required.
Recognising the fact that demand far exceeds supply, many of those available to work are asking for salaries above the offered rate along with additional benefits in kind. Making it harder for businesses to survive.

Work Supply saw an opportunity to capitalise on the special relationship and connection it had with the large Asian communities in Portugal and across Europe.
These people would relish an opportunity to work legally outside Portugal where they could earn more money.

On this basis, from late 2019 onwards we decided to focus our attention on marketing job opportunities to the Asian community of workers and marketing these workers to potential clients in Europe.

Specialist sectors

Expanding Opportunities

We believed that, given the current state of labour market context, this market “niche” could provide our temporary work agency with a competitive edge and
the opportunity to expand business considerably.
The growth in volume of business is testimony that we were right, and our work was rewarded with success.

The number of Non-European workers that reach out to us in search of opportunities to work abroad increases day by day and, despite some initial hesitancy on the part of European work organizations, many have
openly embraced and appreciated the opportunity to take on board non-European workers.

In reality, based on their positive experiences with the calibre of workers we provide, it is now the first preference for many.
Taking on board non-European workers, has a tremendous number of advantages for work organizations established inside and outside Portugal.

Among the major advantages are:

We are all important

Although we focus primarily on non-European workers we DO NOT and WILL NEVER discriminate against, reject or have any reluctance in hiring Portuguese or other European nationality workers.

Not ALL our workers are non-European, we also have a good number of European workers on our rapidly expanding team who provide excellent service to our clients and, by doing so, greatly contribute to our growth and success.

Our workers are TRULY our most precious asset and the foundation of our success.

Meet our Team

Work Supply´s diverse administration and office staff is composed of a vibrant, enthusiastic and passionate group of people focused on delivering results, providing comprehensive support, maximizing customer satisfaction and exceeding the expectations of those who work FOR as well as those we serve – our CLIENTS.


Having fun at work and concern with providing a high of quality of service and customer satisfaction are not incompatible goals – in reality, they go hand in hand!     



Our Workers

Marcelo Araújo

Director of Operations

Our Workers

Ramneet Singh

General Manager
